
发布者:泰山顶上 2023-1-18 16:52


KaiHongShun Studio



Queti is a triangular component between beams, architraves and columns in ancient Chinese architecture. It is the same thing as wings. It is mostly carved with flowers and birds, dragons and phoenixes, and auspicious clouds.


Its existence was originally to reduce the downward shear force at the junction of beams, braces and columns, and prevent the inclination of the angles between the horizontal and vertical members - the stability of the triangle, but in the later stage, it has changed into a variety of patterns.


Especially in the Qing Dynasty, the structure and pattern of Queti reached the peak, and formed seven patterns, namely, Queti, Grand Queti, Little Queti, Tongque, Riding Queti, Huayazi and Longmen Queti.


First: Queti, which is also the most common thing we usually see in the Forbidden City buildings, is inserted into the columns with dowels between beams, braces and columns. According to the regulations of the Qing Dynasty, the length of the sparrow in the official buildings accounts for a quarter of the width of the bay (between the columns).


The second is the Great Bird's Nest. It is made of two bird's nests and carved into a piece of wood. The length is doubled, so it is called the Great Bird's Nest. Moreover, the general Queti is inserted into the column from the side, and it is directly installed on the top of the column to support the weight of beams and braces.


Third: Little Bird. Compared with the thick beams and columns of the northern beam-lifting buildings, the buildings in the south of the Yangtze River mostly adopt the bucket structure, the flat beams and thin columns, and the number of beams and columns is large, so the downward shear force between the single beams and columns is relatively small.


Fourth: Tong Queti. This is similar to the Great Bird's Nest. It is carved from the whole wood. The two bird's nests are connected together. The difference is that the Great Bird's Nest is directly installed on the top of the column, while the Great Bird's Nest is sandwiched between the columns.


Fifth: riding a horse for a bird. Sometimes the columns are too close to each other, and the width between the two columns cannot accommodate the next two finches. The only way is to connect the tip with the tip to form a finch, thus forming a saddle shape. This saddle-shaped finch is called riding finch.


Sixth: Hua Yazi. The sparrow, which is carved out or spliced together with thin mullions, is relatively fragile and has no mechanical function at all. It is only used for decoration, just like its name, just to make a pattern.


If the distance between columns is too short, the two flower teeth will be made into a piece. At this time, it is very similar to the horseback sparrow, and it is also saddle-shaped. The difference between the two is not too obvious. The main reason is that the hollowing degree of flower teeth is more exaggerated;


When the distance between columns is too long, the whole wood will be hollowed out and carved, or the thin mullions will be assembled into several sparrows and hung under the eaves, which is also called "hanging down".


Seventh: Longmen Queti, which is mainly used on archways, has many more small parts than ordinary Queti, such as Yundun, Zibo, Sanfuyun, etc. In particular, the Sanfu Cloud, which is inserted on it from outside to inside, is the most striking symbol of Longmen Queti.



These are the seven structural styles of Queti. After reading this article, the next time you appreciate ancient Chinese architecture, you should not ignore this small component between beams and columns.


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