KaiHongShun Studio
The decoration of ancient Chinese buildings is complex, and the roof truss that supports the weight of the house is composed of a horizontal and vertical structure of beams and columns...
As a vertical wooden structure member, the column is combined with the horizontal wooden structure member beams, purlins, braces, etc. to form the roof truss. The column is a vertical component that bears the top load, and is one of the most important components in ancient Chinese architecture.
In ancient China, most of the pillars were made of wood, belonging to the scope of large wooden work. In order to prevent water and moisture, the wooden column is padded with stone column foundation.
In addition, there are other smaller columns, which are not placed on the foundation, but on the beam frame to support the weight of the objects above, and then transmit the weight to the main column through the beam frame structure.
Like most other building components, columns have rich categories and certain development process. According to their position in the building, they can be divided into cornice columns, gold columns, middle columns, child columns, melon columns, corner columns, colonnade columns, etc.
1. According to the section shape, it is divided into square column, column, octagonal column and hexagonal column.
2. According to the material of the column, it is divided into wooden column, stone column and brick column.
3. According to the slenderness ratio, long columns, short columns and medium-long columns are divided.
4. According to the shape, it is divided into straight column and shuttle column.
Classified by the function and location of the column, it is too numerous to enumerate. Here are some commonly mentioned columns:
Eave columns are called colonnades, and the outermost column supporting the eaves under the building eaves is also called outer columns. It is mainly used for buildings with double eaves or double eaves with flat seats, supporting and projecting long eaves and corner beams and wing angles.
The columns are divided into stone and wood, and the section is divided into round and square, usually square, and the column diameter is small.
The corner column is located at the corner of the building, and there is only one frame beam connected to the frame column in the two orthogonal directions of the column. Simply put, the columns at the four corners of the building.
Gold columns are also called old eaves columns. The columns inside the eaves columns and outside the central line are mostly used in buildings with veranda. Depth (depth: the depth extending from the door to the house) Larger houses can be divided into outer gold pillars and inner gold pillars according to their location.
In addition, the golden column is also the general name of the columns except the eaves column, the middle column and the mountain column.
The pillar supporting the roof in the middle of the gable of a flush gable roof or mountain overhanging building.
The central column, also known as the spine, is a column supporting the roof ridge on the central line of the longitudinal positioning axis of the building.
The short column standing on the girder to support the upper beam frame is called melon column, and some are called "child column". Its height is greater than its diameter.
Shu column, also known as ridge melon column and dwarf column, is a short column used to support the ridge purlin on the three beams at the roof ridge, also known as "ridge melon column or ridge child column".
8. Hump: a term used in Song style architecture. It refers to the cushion block between two beams and the component supporting the beam of arch of wooden architecture. It is named because it looks like the back of a camel. Hump can be divided into full hump and half hump.
The column foundation is also known as the stone plate, or the column foundation stone. In ancient times, a stone pier was added at the foot of the column in order to keep the landing roof column from being damp, so as to isolate the column foot from the floor and play an absolute moisture-proof role.
The column?, or column bead, is the transition part between the column body and the column base. Because the columns are mostly made of wood, water can easily rise along the vertical grain and affect the durability of the wooden column.
The upper and lower ends (or only the upper end) of the column are shrunk and shuttle shaped.
The function of the upper end of the hanging column is the same as that of the eaves column. It is used on the four corners of the hanging flower door or the archway door. The lower part is suspended in the air. The end is often decorated with lotus flowers, so it is often called the hanging lotus column.
In ancient architecture, corbel and sparrow are similar but not identical components. Queti refers to the brace between the column and the beam. It can not only play the role of inheritance, but also play the role of decoration. It is equivalent to the haunched part of the concrete haunched beam in modern architecture.
In some places, corbel is also called "horse leg". It also refers to a short piece of wood extending from the column. It generally only serves as decoration, not as inheritance. However, in some places and in some materials, the two are mixed.
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