
发布者:求真痴者 2023-5-3 15:53

原文标题:In 2019 China produced 11x as much steel and almost twice the electricity as the USA. It has over 4x the population. Is China’s talent warfighting potential greater than the USA?


Kevin Peterlinz,R&D Semiconduetor Metrology(1997-present) Lived in California

In the long run-yes-but how many years to say build 11 carriers with supporting vessels and fully train the crews and pilots?

In the mean time,the US is free to observe and respond and increasecapacity-Could the US increase corresponding indus trial capacity quickly?

Yes-The US military is a relatively elite fighting force in contrast to China and relies more heavily on maintaining at echnology edge-which has proven very successful in nation-on-nation conflicts


But honestly-the"East Asian" culture is more to seek and implement a"win-win" scenario-The political and especi ally economic obxtives in recent US military conflicts appear to be more of "win-lose"-We can blow the shit out of eve ryone and rely on fear to dominate-but our record of implementing or supporting a system by which we provide others with a path which benefits us both is currently poor.

We want to win and dominate-that is both expensive and inflexible.

The US does not have a monopoly on strategic and tactical military brilliance. So I personally believe that in the long r un the US must position itself as working cooperatively with other nations-not trying to always dominate and "win" by forcing them to "'lose".


Patrick Robinson,N.A from Self Study

You should've seen how much concrete they laid out.

They've already used as much concrete in a few years as we've done in a 100. They're moving quickly.

What takes us years to create in a factory, they can do in 3 months.

I'm even speaking of the most highly advanced technology as well , not just cheap assembly lines with sweat shop slave labor.



The truth of the matter is though,they don't have to out muscle the USA,they only have to out last us financially,whi ch is not a problem when they are buying up all the land,expanding further into africa and other places for natural resou rces,because land is far more valuable long term than worthless paper that isn't backed by anything


Robert Molyneux,former STEM Practitioner And Consultant(1973-2012)□Lives in Sydney,Australia1985-present The other key statistic is cement production.See [List of countries by cement production-Wikipedia]

In 2014,it was China 2,500 million tonnes,India 280 million tonnes,and Untied States 83 million tonnes. The cement is going into building new infrastructure and buildings with steel andconcrete.

Meanwhile the infrastructure of the Untied States is declining,and India has trouble building enough latrines for its ci tizens.

As to the various wet dreams of the USA defeating China in a nuclear war,dream on,and watch out for splasheson your ke yboards...


Paul Clifford,former System Specialist/ApplicatioArchitext/Designer(1981-2004)

I shouldn't think so.

Production capacity in volume isn't as important as it was in WW2. It only takes one ICBM armed with multi warheads to take out a city or military bases anywhere in the world these days. Thus the reason the world has been at relative peace over the last 75 years =the threat of Mutually Assured Destruction.


The Vietnam War proved a point to the world, when a bunch of ill equipped paddy field farmers defeated the might of the U SA military. Just watch the newsreels from the era and the rout and chaos of the USA evacuation of Saigon.

Or for that matter, the Afghan War where a bunch of ill equipped goat herders have had the USA military tied up in knots for more than 18+years.

Military might does not equate to military success Guerrilla warfare will always end upexhausting the superior force,a nd thus defeating it.

In my perspective, China's increased military capability is necessitated by the USA's increased belligerence in the Asian-Australasian-Pacific region. A defensive response.



Tomaž Vargazon,Practicing atheist

In terms of sheer manpowerand such? Yes. In a total war of mutual exhaustion, China has the ability to defeat the USA. Total war of exhaustion

The good news is there never has been a total war of mutual exhaustion over an ocean and more than likely there never wilI be. Maintaining a supply line over an ocean is hard and if it comes down to a war of attrition it's far more effecient to cut that then grind the enemy down with numbers.




A war of mutual exhaustion,where that steel and population would come into play,is therefore rather unlikely.If either belligerent was able to maintain a stable supply line and the other would be unable to cut it,then it's a bloody police action,or at most a serious war that you can win by maneuver.If you are able to cut the supply line you'll focus all y our efforts on that and spare your populace the suffering.

This is exactly what happened in both world wars Germans tried their hardest to cut the Allied supply lines over the Atl antic,but didn't come anywhere near success.




Ben Kelley,Engineer Creator at Western Sydney University(2011-present)


Iron Ore Imports by Country

Below are the 15 countries that imported the highest dollar value worth of iron ore during 2019.

China: $99.8 billion (69.1% of imported iron ore)

Japan: $10.9 billion(7.5%)

South Korea: $6.9 billion(4.8%)

Germany: $3.9 billion(27%)

Netherlands: $2.9 billion(2%)

Taiwan: $2.3 billion(1.6%)

France: $1.5 billion(1%)

Malaysia: $1.3 billion(0.9%)

Turkey: $1.1 billion(0.8%)

United States: $842.1 million(0.6%)


中国:998亿美元(69.1% of imported iron ore)










China Imported 100 times the Iron Ore of the US,and most of that was from Australia and Brazi1.Two supplies unlikely to continue during a war.

Chinese industry is completely dependent on imports and exports. Imports for the raw materials. Exports for the market.F rom that point of view,its sensitive at both ends of the logistic trail.

Meanwhile the USisits own supply and market. It is far less reliant on both imports and exports.



Bob Smith,Advisor and Academie(2000-present)□Lives in Oxford,Oxfordshire,UK

I taught strategy part-time at a war college forayear,so I guessI can answer this(though Im an economist).

Modern warfare has little to do with tanks and guns.Many militaries now have whole divisions of internet warriors.In th e nuclear age,military victory with or between superpowers likely mean all parties losing.China's military poweris defi ned by (just like in the US):



1-large-scale investments in Al and next generation computing(with military applications),

2-organized internet offensive capabilities and defence(who could doubt that wars are currently being waged online?), 3-finance-need I say more? Investments in making the RMB a global currency target national security as much as finance (payment systems should probably be on here as well),

4-space power! Investments in satellite technologies,patrolling compliance with the UN resolution demilitarizing space, amd reacting in case of breach,





5-partners'souls.Most superpowers now fight proxy wars(Saudis and Iran,increasingly Hindustan and Pakistan,ete).

China will need foreign partneTs willing to die for her..like the world's governments send their sons to die for the America ns.Can anyone doubt that Belt and Road is a first attempt to build the cultural capital and good will needed to do this? Ive been personally involved in projects to develop social capital as a military asset,

6-IP.Patents win wars,not steel.A military drone is just a flying collection of thousands of patents in the air.So a re next gen bombs.Super materials used for bullet proof vests and antimine technologies,and so forth,

7-Big Bad Data-data is the new oil,and software is eating the world.The net result is..imagine a foreign1 army having files on the entire military and civilian population of its rival? Could you doubt this is more useful than battles? The master general wins the war without firing a shot,

8-energy.No electrons,no fight Everything has computers in it China wants to be independent of oil exporters..like e veryone else.Decentralised electricity generation will certain help tip the odds in any war.





Ive heard for decades that militaries are considering eliminating the rough physical training imposed on soldiers and off icers.No one argues for removing mental training The war of the 2st century will be fought with ideas.Every one of Chi na's recent development plans has implemented this idea And unlike with the Americans,the Chinese dont need to fund lose r technologies because of political lobbying Maybe that is its most important technology..


Andrew Karam,lives in The United States of America(1961-present)

In World War II,hostilities lasted from 1938 until 1945 and the US was actively involved in the war from 1940-1945.We built tens of thousands of aireraft,we were launching a Liberty Shipevery day or so to carry supplies and materiel to Eu rope,and we were able to design,build,and put into combat new airplane and ship designs during the course of the war. There is no doubt that America's industrial capabilities were a tremendous asset during the war. But it also helped that

ships,airplanes,tanks,and other war materiel were(compared to today) fairly simple and could be built quickly.



By comparison,today it takes over a decade-and closer to two decades-to design,test, and start to deploy a new airp lane or a new ship (I don't know about tanks or artillery).Not only that, but the last several wars have been either int ense and short or low-intensity and prolonged-I'm not sure that any country could keep up full-blown combat operations against an equally capable foe for longer than a few months because both sides would run out of ships,subs,tanks,and ai rplanes before the production lines could gear up to start cranking them out. In the first case,there's no time for indu strial capacity to make a difference;in the second case there's no need.


So,sure,China's capability can make them a very capable opponent-just as their population makes then a tough foe.Bu t if China decides that they want to make a massive effort to catch up to the US with sheer numbers then they're still lo oking at more than a decade for their industrial capabilities to make a substantial difference.


But it takes more than numbers- at the time I was in the Navy the Soviet unx had about three times as many submarines as we did,so we had to be able to sink at least three of them before they sunk us.But we were confident that we could do t hat because we went up against them all the time-tracking their boats,avoiding detection ourselves,learning how they t rained,getting acoustic profiles,and much more.We were fairly sure that our technological and tactical superiority woul d make up for our shortage in numbers.


Unfortunately,the more capable a submarine,ship,or airplane is the longer it takes to design,build,and learn to use it effectively,So that means that today's industrial capabilities are even less important when thinking about trying to achieve a superiority that might not manifest itself for 20 years or longer.

Looking towards the future,yes-it makes a difference.But if we start to fight a war in the next few to several years, there won't be enough time for it to make much of a difference.


展望未来,是的,这会有所不同。但是,如果我们要在未来几年内开始打一场战争,就没有足够的时间让它发挥很大的作用。K Depaul,M.A. Medical Biotechnology

Steel and electricity?

These were the metrics used before WWII.The world has changed.War has changed. Modern Warfare is fought on different domains:

Land Air Sea

EM(Eleetro Magnetic spectrum) Space

Cyber Space

Currently China has only an advantage in numbers on the Land domain and may have an advantage in cyber warfare. In all ot her domains,the US has undisputed hegemony.


The next issue to consider is MAD,Mutual Assured Destrution.

China has enough nuclear weapons to obliterate all US major cities,although it has not nearly enough vector capability t o do so.On the other hand the US could reduce China to a wasteland with just its submarine based nuclear force. It is ag ame in which everybody loses.


However,none of these,in a real conflict,would make the difference.The difference in a potential conflict between the US and China will be made one of the oldest factors in warfare:geography.

The US has hit the Geostrategie jackpot,with open oceans on both sidea and no real threat from its land frontiers



China is afortress which is hard to invade,but extremely easy to siege. China has a dlouble dependency: energy imports d ependence(>70%)to funetion and export dependence(>35%) for its economy to be viable.All of these have to pass th rough few,easily blockaded choke points


The US Navy could Choke off China's energy imports well outside the range of China's anti ship missiles.Moreover it cou ld do so even within that range by using submarine warfare.

Within months Chinese people would be without fuel,without a job and on a diet of rice and weath,while the whole globe plunges in thebiggest economic recession ever.


Nicholas Yoong,lives in Kuala Lumpur,Malaysia

Originally Answered:In 2019,PRC produced nx as much steel and almost 2x the electricity as the USA. Its population is over 4x larger.Is PRC's latent warfighting potential greater than the UJSA?

Way,way bigger.

You use steeI to build ships.The US had ten times the Japanese steelmaking capacity.It had 67% of the world's steel out put.

Today China has 11 times the American steelmaking capacity while the US imports steel from Chinaand Japan.Yes,Japan.

You're talking about US vs Japan ww2,except this Japan is half as strong and modern US is in the position of Japan.




Atila Flam

That would be true if this was world war II this is not you just don't build ships like they did in world war Il

you can't Mass produce them you need more than just steel you need computers you need high-end sophisticated electronic d evices you need radar you need precision machinery you have to have state-of-the-art ECM gear



Next you have to have trained naval personnel you have to have an logistic systems that can supply and support this massi ve fleet China has so little of this

no Nation but the United States as of right now has the ability to sustain and supply a modern war you can't project your Force if you can't supply it

most of China's Navy is coastal means it can't go on the blue water can't be supplied out at sea

we have over 60 nuclear attack submarines that are blue water capable China only has 9



Nicholas Yoong

If you're attacking China,it doesn't really matter.

America has a superior American logistics force outside China.So what? China's biggest invention in history is closing down a whole city.That means supplying the city(and most probably a few more)with resources akin to wartime.




And yes,China is still able to mass produce ships if they want to.The US needs a defense production act CPC just has t o give orders and all the factories will start building ships and planes China can easily support a fleet 4 times the siz e of the entire US navy if they decided to do so,and all for their homeland defense.The US isn't going to send its entir e navy to China in the event of war. When wartime comes,that nine can easily become three hundred.


Ezio Yao,M.S.Military,Nankai University(2017)□Lived in Iowa State University2008-2013 Simply put,no,the war potential of the United States is higher than that of China.

People who are familiar with me should know that my answersare all pro-China, but I am not blindly pro-China. Fora fore seeable period of time,China will not be able to challenge the United States militarily.And the war potential of the Uni ted States will be very strong

The United States has a unique geographical environment. In this environment,even if the United States is not the most p owerful country,the possibility of large-scale invasion is still very low.This kind of natural barrier is not available

in general countries No one can defeat the United States as long as it does not have civil strife.




The United States is known as "the arsenal of a democratic country",and its strong industrial capability can enable the United States to quickly produce super-scale weapons and equipment in a very short time, and quickly arm soldiers several times the current size.

The United States has the most advanced technology research and development capability.This R&D capability has been outstanding since the Cold War,However,at present,there is no rival in the United States that can fully confront and co mpete with it.Many weapons developed during the Cold WNar are still in use today,and more advanced weapons are used as re serves.



The US's control over global resources is far beyond our imagination.Lack of resources can't support the war.The United States firmly holds the lifeblood of key resources

The US's deep involvement and grasp of global finance and its deep control of global public opinion are other manifestati ons of the US's war potential Finance is an industry that we come into contact with every day,and so is news.But the fi

nance and news we come into contact with are dominated by the US government SWIFT's strength is not only remittance but a clear understanding of all countries' funds, which is not only finance but intelligence. The news is even more terrible.

Westerners alvays say that Chinese people are brainwashed.However,how can Westerners think that they are not brainwashed ?The public opinion war is an important part ofmodern war,and the innate advantage of American public opinion war has b een strengthened and never declined.



The American people are generally a group with a high fighting will No matter whether they were pirates or cowboys,it i s undeniable that extraordinary courage is their common feature. If they don't have the courage,I don't think the US flag can be raised on Iwo Jima.


These are all expressions of potential.Potential is the ability that can't be seen at all at ordinary times but can be q uickly displayed when it is really needed. In the face of a major crisis,the United States has shown great war potential But precisely because of the American system,as long as it is not the total war,the performance of American war potenti al is often limited.


Without the Communist Party of China,even today's China would still be unable to confront the United States.But precise ly because of the existence of the Communist Party of China,even if China can't defeat the United States,it will make th e United States defeat China extremely costly.The Communist Party of China has been operating the war potential and never stopped.

War potential looks at not only material,but the material is a very important part of winning or losing a war,but it is definitely not the most important part.



The terrible thing about the Communist Party is that its current state is that of the American wartime state. In other wo rds,the Communist Party can intervene,mobilize,organize, and guide all people in this country,as long as the Communist Party has this need This situation will only occur when the United States enters a full-scale war.This is why China can complete the development path of the West in 200 years in 40 years.


Therefore,the Communist Party will become the US's most powerful opponent China's war potential is still inferior to th at of the United States today,but it does not mean that it will still be inferior to that of the United States in the fut ure.A political party with a strong organization and mobilization ability is terrible.


Tudor Reece

I've never come across comments from even strongly biased China supporters that claim China can compete with the US mili tarily.

I guess Chinese people almost universally accept that the US military is still supreme.



Ezio Yao

Yes,if we wanna seek the truth,we must accept the truth in the beginning. 是的,如果我们想寻求真理,我们必须在一开始就接受真理。

Stepan Serdyuk

The fact that Americans turn any argument into the warfighting measuring,makes me kind of nervous.


Ezio Yao

Not only the US but also the UK,Australia,Canada,and New Zealand.

cn Five eyes aimed at the countries which have the ability or potential to challenge them.

The behaviors for Five eyes seemed to be self-protection,however,they are making the world more unstable. 不仅是美国,还有英国、澳大利亚、加拿大和新西兰,五眼联盟的目标是那些有能力或潜力挑战它们的国家。五眼联盟的行为似乎是为了自我保护,然而它们却让世界更加不稳定。

Peter Smith

According to structural realism view of international relations,every country eyes others with suspicion. Every country aims to improve its relative power.China is no different.Its challenge is that it inevitably has to upset the status quo in its ambition to become the regional hegemon in East Asia and eventually Southeast Asia.


Tristan Lin

That only works within a Western understanding of nation-states,where there exists an absolute hierarchy of nations. In most Asian understandings of the nation-state,there isn't an absolute hierarchy.China sees itself as the highest in its area,but it doesn't need to project influence into say India or the West The West will often engage in conflict simply t o assert supremacy,while Asian powers before the importation of Western ideas mainly engaged incivil conflicts where int ernal conspirators sought to gainpower.China has fought a lot of wars against itself,while Britain has fought against e very nation of the world.




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