FashionTV发布 全球天然护肤品排行榜10强
1 Estee Lauder pomegranate Night Cream
The Estee Lauder brand as we all know, this classic red pomegranate cream products is a necessary choice of women's skin care, has good detoxification effect, can neutralize free radicals to prevent skin aging, not only in the Estee Lauder brand, and other brand is in the ratio of obvious advantages, Estee Lauder will be listed in the pure natural skin care products on the list, I believe we will disagree.
1 雅诗兰黛红石榴晚霜
2 Zeefine snail facial mask
From the Henan the Yellow River area China farm, snail dope here is the pure snail liquid product from the 90% here in the world, now their independent brands began to force a few days ago in the "ELLE" skincare editor with a lot of praise, but also our favorite snail natural solution, known as soft gold, comprehensive skin repair function, no one does not love.
2 宣致蜗牛面膜
3 L'OCCITANE Fu Yan Helichrysum essence
The essence of L'OCCITANE has supported the unique formula, not only contains Helichrysum essence help skin complement the lack of skin collagen, fight oxidation, and the Organic Peach essence, the skin cell senescence activity decreased the problem, parsley and vitamin C which is more compact and make skin shiny, is pure natural skin care products. Classic.
3 欧舒丹蜡菊赋颜精华液
4 Kiehl's little Huang Guashui
Kiehl's brand is an American brand of cosmetics, this small cucumber water make-up water has also got many stars portrait of the recommended essence extracted from natural plant cucumber in plants with a variety of other mild essence, let this make-up water effect on a layer of relatively pure texture. Even sensitive skin can be used to completely relieve dryness symptoms.
4 科颜氏小黄瓜水
5 Innisfree Green Tea essence moisturizing eye cream
Innisfree brand not only in Korea local, even Asia extreme world is also a famous young skin care brand, although the famous miss those big brands, but the Green Tea essence moisturizing cream contains natural ingredients Green Tea seed, can from the inside provide plenty of water and nutrition and moisturizing.
5 悦诗风吟绿茶精粹保湿眼霜
6 SKIN FOOD clear aloe Cleansing Cream
Many Cleansing Cream Skin food grand launch, the clear aloe Cleansing Cream superior detoxification purification, antibacterial, removal of ozone to dull the role by Skin food fans love.
6 SKIN FOOD清皙芦荟洗面奶
Skin food家隆重推出的众多洗面奶中,这款清皙芦荟洗面奶以超强的排毒净化,抗菌、清除臭氧去暗沉的作用,深受Skin food粉丝的大爱。
7 Kiehl's (Keihl's) Kiehl's Calendula herbal extract toner
Brand: Kiehl's insists on using the best ingredients for facial, body, skin and hair care products to meet the customers' expectations for Kiehl's products over the past 100 years. With the expertise, background and experience of beauty, pharmacy, herbal medicine and medicine, it is handed down from generation to generation to develop a unique Kiehl's formula and incorporate the latest technology to produce special maintenance products.
7 科颜氏(契尔氏)Kiehl's金盏花植物精华爽肤水
8 AVENE Avene comfort spring
Brand: an old Avene warmth originated in France, southwest of the town of cevennes. In seventeenth Century, the characteristics of a Avne live spring were discovered by a horse. Avene is located in the south of France cevennes. It is 350 meters above sea level, located in the valley of Europe, between L'Espinouse and L'Escandorgue two mountains, 80 kilometers away from the Mediterranean sea.
8 AVENE雅漾 舒护活泉水
品牌:雅漾源于法国西南地区塞文山脉中的一个古老温情的小镇。17世纪时,由一匹马发现了Avne活泉水的特性。雅漾位于法国南部的塞文山脉。它海拔350米,坐落于欧伯山谷之中, L'Espinouse 和 L'Escandorgue两山中间,距地中海80公里处。
9: CLARINS CLARINS multiple valve Night Cream
Brand: CLARINS CLARINS is the world famous brands from France, CLARINS CLARINS sales in Europe, the United States, Japan and many countries around the world, the developed countries have strict market supervision mechanism, the product is subject to strict inspection, is safe, can only be sold in these developed countries, its credibility is detected you can trust, therefore, the CLARINS CLARINS security products, is completely trustworthy.
9: 娇韵诗CLARINS多元瓣膜晚间乳
10 Shiseido red honeydew
Brand: Shiseido (Shiseido), Japan's famous cosmetics brand. The name derives from the "book of changes" in the "Chinese to Zai Kun yuan, of all things, the connotation of Shiseido promotion" the birth of new life, create new value. "To Weizai Kunyuan, all sorts of" meaning "praise the virtues of the earth, she nurtured a new life, and create a new value." The name is a reflection of the image of Shiseido, a pioneer in the integration of eastern aesthetics and consciousness with Western technology and business practices. Combine advanced technology with traditional ideas and interpret oriental culture with Western culture.
10 资生堂 红色蜜露
40岁抗皱紧致十大排名,当然是这款啦,口碑效果都在线 抗初老,已经成为现代人护肤的重要课题。在这个追求年轻与美丽的时代,选择一款适合自己的抗初老产品至关重要。接下来,我们将为大家介绍几款备受好评的抗初老产品,帮助你轻松应对初老挑战。一、露卡菲娅紧致抗皱抗 ... 化妆美容11-17
祛斑效果最好的排名第一,堪称斑点克星,值得信赖 在这个追求完美的时代,肌肤的每一寸都成为了我们关注的焦点。色斑,这个看似不起眼的小瑕疵,却常常让无数爱美人士烦恼不已。那么什么产品可以有效祛斑呢?别着急,下面就让我们一起来看看祛斑效果最好的排名第一是 ... 化妆美容11-17
外资美妆品牌“双十一”榜单排位上升,他们做了什么? 经济观察网 罗文利/文 11月12日,天猫美妆公布“双十一”全周期品牌成绩排行榜,珀莱雅、欧莱雅、兰蔻和雅诗兰黛延续去年的排位次序,分别位列第一名至第四名,海蓝之谜取代薇诺娜排位第五。在榜单前20位中,外资美 ... 化妆美容11-16
963亿!美妆双11终榜TOP20出炉 史上最长的双11,于昨日收官。根据星图数据,今年双11,美妆在综合电商平台的GMV达到963亿元,相较去年增长22.5%;其中,美容护肤GMV为715亿元;彩妆香水GMV为237亿元(综合电商平台指天猫、京东、拼多多等)。需要 ... 化妆美容11-14
“双11”美妆排行榜出炉,哪些国货上榜,谁又掉队? 【大河财立方 记者 史冰倩】号称“史上最长”的“双11”购物狂欢节正式落幕,美妆领域作为消费市场的活跃板块,再次成为“双11”期间的焦点,承载着各大品牌年终销量冲刺的关键使命。11月12日,“双11”美妆战报正式 ... 化妆美容11-14
双11“大考”榜单上,国货美妆排名两极分化 界面新闻记者 | 周芳颖界面新闻编辑 | 楼婍沁此次超长双11大促购物节从10月初开始,一直持续到11月11日正式结束。对于美妆品牌而言,未来的线上电商发展策略的调整都要从双11复盘开始。根据星图数据发布的报告,综合 ... 化妆美容11-14
双11美妆大战,外资品牌又回来了 作者|惊蛰研究所 成昱每年的双11,不仅是消费者们的购物狂欢节,更是各大品牌的年底大考,而各个电商平台上的销售榜单就是最直观的成绩单。近几年,在竞争激烈的美妆市场上,国货美妆品牌持续增长、相继上榜,展现出 ... 化妆美容11-08
美白淡斑效果好的护肤品排行榜,这几款开启肌肤的美白新时代 朋友们,是不是都想趁着这是秋季好好淡斑呢?确实无论是紫外线强度、还是温度以及很多外界因素,秋季都是祛斑的好时机,所以想要祛斑的朋友一定要抓住机会。那么什么产品可以快速祛斑呢?美白淡斑效果好的护肤品排行 ... 化妆美容11-06
祛斑口碑最好十大排名,大众的祛斑选择 看到别人脸上的无瑕肌肤,你是不是也羡慕不已?其实,你也可以成为“无瑕女神”哦!方法也很简单,只需要大家把祛斑产品安排上。那么哪些祛斑产品可以有效祛斑被?别担心,我今天特意为大家准备了祛斑口碑最好十大排 ... 化妆美容11-06
大牌美妆爆发,还是在天猫 双11,依然是美妆品牌的常驻战场。 10月21日晚8点,2024年天猫双11正式开售,品牌商品开局即迎来爆发,174个品牌成交破亿,超12000个品牌成交增速超100%,近6000个品牌增速超500%。其中,美妆护肤国际大牌增长强劲。 ... 化妆美容11-04
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