On October 17th, the historical moment of the official opening of the Jakarta-Bandung high-speed railway finally arrived. At around 2 p.m., the second-floor waiting room at the starting station, Halim, was crowded with people. Government officials from Indonesia's Ministry of Transportation and State-Owned Enterprises, along with a large number of media reporters, gathered together. Dancers were d
ancing cheerfully while singers were singing passionately. On platform 4, a silver and red train with a Komodo dragon pattern, an Indonesian national treasure, painted on its front and connecting carriage was ready to go."Before, it took us more than three hours to drive to Bandung. I heard that the high-speed train only takes 40 minutes. It's amazing!" said Hani, a Jakarta resident who brought
her children to experience the convenience of the modern high-speed train.In the driver's cab, Song Yi, a high-speed train driver from the China Railway Beijing Group Co., carefully checked the equipment status. "Being able to be the first driver of the first train is very meaningful to me. I will drive the train well and bring the benefits of Chinese speed to more Indonesian people!" he said.
At 3:35 p.m., under Song Yi's control, the first train G1137 smoothly started and raced towards Bandung. "Although it is only 142.3 kilometers long, the Jakarta-Bandung high-speed railway is a big step for China's high-speed rail 'going global'!" said Ding Zhisheng, the head of the joint contractor team of the Jakarta-Bandung high-speed railway from the China Railway International Co., Ltd. "The s
uccess of China's high-speed rail system, which includes all elements and industries, going abroad for the first time, could not have been achieved without the efforts of railway builders."Located in the intersection of tectonic plates, Java Island, where the Jakarta-Bandung high-speed railway is located, is prone to volcanic eruptions and earthquakes, and its geological conditions are complex,
which makes construction difficult. Since June 2018, construction workers from China and Indonesia have worked together to build 13 tunnels, 56 bridges, four modern stations, and one EMU maintenance facility to high standards."286 kilometers per hour, 310 kilometers per hour, 351 kilometers per hour..." The numbers on the train display screen kept jumping and gradually rose to 350 kilometers per
hour. Laughter and photo-taking sounds echoed throughout the train. Some took out their phones to record this moment, some tested the stability of the high-speed rail by placing coins on small tables, while others shared videos and photos on news platforms and social media, expressing their excitement.Walking through the carriages, one can feel a sense of familiarity. According to Li Xiaoliang,
the stationmaster of the rolling stock depot of the CRRC ZELC for the Jakarta-Bandung high-speed railway, the EMU of the Jakarta-Bandung high-speed railway is a "twin brother" of China's Fuxing train. It has undergone some adaptive improvements to fit local running environments and line conditions in Indonesia, integrating Indonesian culture. "For example, to adapt to the marine environment, we i
mproved the train's resistance to salt spray and ultraviolet aging. We also added a 'high acceleration mode' to adapt to the steep slope demands, and so on," Li said.At 3:48 p.m., the Padalarang station, the only station where high-speed rail and existing conventional railway could transfer along the entire line, came into view. "The connection between high-speed rail and conventional rail can p
lay a bigger role. I hope that with this high-speed rail, people's mobility will accelerate, and Indonesia's development will be faster and more efficient," said Yusa, a passenger who was taking photos of the train's facilities in the connecting area between carriages 6 and 7. Yusa works in Jakarta and his wife lives in Bandung. He travels between the two cities every two weeks.At 4:21 p.m., the
train arrived at the Dekaraul station in the Bandung area. Outside the station, the distant mountains were like indigo, and the rice fields were like paintings, full of vitality. The Jakarta-Bandung high-speed railway has four stations along the line, two of which are located within the Bandung area, a historical and cultural city where the Asian-African Conference was held in 1955. Thanks to the
high-speed railway, Bandung is now thriving."The Jakarta-Bandung high-speed railway is a 'golden business card' for the joint construction of the 'Belt and Road' initiative between China and Indonesia. It vividly demonstrates China's manufacturing, construction, standards, and image, allowing countries around the world, including Indonesia, to see China's strength," said Zhang Chao, CFO and ris
k executive director of the Indonesian Chinese High-Speed Railway Company (KCIC), adding that the operation of the Jakarta-Bandung high-speed railway is just the beginning, and it will play a leading role in expanding the "Belt and Road" initiative."The Jakarta-Bandung high-speed railway is a road to happiness. We will continue to promote the high-speed rail operation to a high quality and high
level, vigorously cultivate the Jakarta-Bandung high-speed railway economic belt, and bring more benefits to the Indonesian people," said Ju Guojiang, secretary of the Party committee and executive director of China Railway International Co., Ltd.
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